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BC&C lawyers attend wills briefing

Hong Kong, 13 September 2023: Boase Cohen & Collins lawyers were brought up to date on matters concerning wills, probate and estate administration when the firm hosted an in-house seminar. Our legal team heard from barristers Ken To and Matthew Choi, both of Sir Oswald Cheung’s Chambers, who gave a presentation on recent judgments and then fielded questions.

“We have always been a progressive firm with regard to wills and probate and we have a strong track record in this practice area,” said Managing Partner Alex Liu, who attended the session. “We are grateful to Ken and Matthew for giving us the benefit of their considerable expertise and highlighting important legal developments.”

BC&C’s services in this practice area include drafting of wills; advice on wealth protection and estate inheritance, including trust structures and gifts; and handling agreements such as enduring power of attorney or making provision for family members with special needs. Further, we offer advice on probate matters, both contentious and non-contentious, where we assist individuals in various aspects of estate administration and guide them through the sometimes complex legal processes.

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BC&C wins US$2.1m fraud recovery case

Hong Kong, 6 September 2024: BC&C’s expertise in dealing with fraud recovery claims has been further underlined recently in a High Court judgment in favour of our client, a US-incorporated company that fell victim to an elaborate trading scam. Our client (the “Plaintiff”) paid some US$8.3 million for the shipping of fertilisers from a Russian […]

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Korean exchange initiative a success

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