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Ties strengthened at Vancouver AGM

Hong Kong, 22 May 2024: More than 100 delegates from around the world, including BC&C Managing Partner Alex Liu, attended Ally Law’s 2024 AGM in Vancouver for five days of meetings and networking.

Attendees enjoyed discussions on marketing, business development and practice management, while there was a workshop focusing on enhancing firm culture. As well, special interest group meetings examined myriad legal issues in sectors that included aviation, corporate M&A, cross-border dispute resolution, fintech and private client matters.

“The AGM was a valuable opportunity to catch up with old friends, welcome new members and learn from each other about the latest trends, innovations and challenges that are shaping the legal profession,” says Alex.

“By further cementing relationships and gaining insights into member firms’ strengths, we are able to offer our clients greater global reach and fully meet their international business needs. In this context, our role as a conduit between overseas jurisdictions and mainland China is highly important.”

The AGM’s keynote address was delivered by Harvard Law School professor Jody Freeman, former energy advisor to US President Barrack Obama, in which she discussed how law firm leaders can positively impact climate change while protecting the environment and promoting sustainability.

Delegates also heard an inspiring talk by Canada’s former Supreme Court Justice, the Honourable Marshall Rothstein, on landmark cases that have involved complex commercial and regulatory issues.

The social programme included group dinners, special tours and excursions that involved hiking, biking and kayaking in the spectacular countryside surrounding Vancouver.

Ally Law, a global referral network of independent law firms, has now expanded to some 80 members worldwide thanks in large part of the efforts of its Expansion Committee, which is chaired by BC&C Senior Partner Colin Cohen.

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