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Hong Kong courts embrace video technology

Hong Kong courts embrace video technology Hong Kong, 8 April 2020: Some good news, Hong Kong is making progress on using video technology for court hearings. As many of you are aware, our courts have been generally closed, bar emergency hearings, since late January due to the coronavirus pandemic and there appears little possibility of normal service […]

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Covid-19 and the question of Force Majeure

Covid-19 and the question of Force Majeure The global economy has taken a battering amid the coronavirus pandemic with many enterprises, no matter their size, struggling to fulfil contractual obligations. Boase Cohen & Collins Partner Susan Cheung examines some options which Hong Kong business owners may consider. Hong Kong, 6 April 2020: With an unprecedented […]

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Covid-19 – are employees protected?

Covid-19 – are employees protected? What are your rights if you become ill with the coronavirus in the course of your work? Boase Cohen & Collins Associate Stephanie Lai examines whether a claim can be brought under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance. Hong Kong, 2 April 2020: In response to the latest escalation in confirmed Covid-19 cases, […]

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Covid-19: tighter restrictions in Hong Kong

Covid-19: tighter restrictions in Hong Kong Hong Kong, 1 April 2020: I’m sure you are aware by now that the Hong Kong government has recently imposed tighter restrictions regarding social distancing and use of public facilities in the wake of a steady daily increase in new coronavirus cases. These include limiting public gatherings to a […]

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Ally Law retains top status in Chambers Global

Ally Law retains top status in Chambers Global Hong Kong, 30 March 2020: Ally Law, the global legal network in which Boase Cohen & Collins is Hong Kong’s sole member, has earned Band 1 ranking as a Leading Law Firm Network, Global-wide in the 2020 edition of Chambers Global. The news was welcomed by BC&C Senior […]

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One for the next Chief Justice’s in-tray

One for the next Chief Justice’s in-tray The appointment of Mr Justice Andrew Cheung as Hong Kong’s next Chief Justice is welcomed by Boase Cohen & Collins Senior Partner Colin Cohen, who politely suggests one of his priorities should be the fast-tracking of modern technology into our court system. Hong Kong, 27 March 2020: Two major […]

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Court orders disclosure of ‘831’ footage

Court orders disclosure of ‘831’ footage A student leader, seeking damages from the police for alleged assault and unlawful arrest, has won his legal battle to force the MTR Corporation to give up potentially vital security camera footage. Boase Cohen & Collins Associate Kristie Wong and Trainee Christine Lo examine the High Court ruling. Hong […]

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Introducing Ally Law’s COVIDAlly blog

Introducing Ally Law’s COVIDAlly blog Hong Kong, 24 March 2020: Every day, as we learn more about Covid-19 and witness its spread around the world, new questions arise. We understand that business owners and executives need information quickly in the face of this unprecedented challenge. Boase Cohen & Collins can help. We are the sole […]

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To wear or not to wear? That is the question

To wear or not to wear? That is the question As the Covid-19 pandemic continues unabated, most Hongkongers are still covering their faces with masks as they go about their lives. A sensible precaution or panicked overreaction? Boase Cohen & Collins Associate Kristie Wong considers the arguments. Hong Kong, 20 March 2020: The outbreak and spread of […]

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Covid-19 – an update from Boase Cohen & Collins

Covid-19 – an update from Boase Cohen & Collins Hong Kong, 18 March 2020: We are now seeing most parts of the world grapple with problems which have been affecting Hong Kong for two months, namely living with and trying to contain the Covid-19 outbreak while attempting to alleviate the widespread panic that it generates. […]

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BC&C wins US$2.1m fraud recovery case

Hong Kong, 6 September 2024: BC&C’s expertise in dealing with fraud recovery claims has been further underlined recently in a High Court judgment in favour of our client, a US-incorporated company that fell victim to an elaborate trading scam. Our client (the “Plaintiff”) paid some US$8.3 million for the shipping of fertilisers from a Russian […]

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Cybercrime losses on the rise

By Arthur Chan Hong Kong, 2 September 2024: The scale of the cybersecurity threat to Hong Kong has been illustrated by a string of media stories in recent months. Everyone is at risk, from ill-prepared corporations to unsuspecting individuals, as rogue online operators use increasingly sophisticated methods to persuade people to part with their money. […]

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Law catching up with illegal structures

By Alex Liu Hong Kong, 26 August 2024: A landmark High Court ruling has placed the government on a firm legal footing as it cracks down on unauthorised building works (UBWs) at upmarket residential developments. It also serves as a reminder to homeowners to comply with official removal orders, no matter how long any such […]

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Korean exchange initiative a success

Hong Kong, 19 August 2024: We wish a fond farewell and good luck to law student Seoyeon Han, who spent two weeks with our firm under an internship exchange programme between Hong Kong and Korea. Seoyeon has returned to her studies in Seoul having made many friends during her time with BC&C. The exchange, which […]

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Faster, higher, stronger … hotter

Paris, 14 August 2024: Dallol in Ethiopia is widely cited as the warmest inhabited place on earth. A geological marvel, its otherworldly landscape is dotted with acidic pools, salt formations and hot springs which release minerals and gases, contributing to the scorching temperatures. The resilient Afar pastoralists who live there have adapted to the extreme […]

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