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Ally Law embraces global challenges

Hong Kong, 24 March 2023: The future is bright for global legal services organisation Ally Law after a successful AGM which focused on business sustainability and best practices for building resilient, forward-thinking law firms.

More than 120 delegates from around the world – including BC&C Senior Partner Colin Cohen – gathered in Sydney for four days of meetings, presentations, panel discussions and networking.

“This was a progressive and highly productive AGM with a mindset of moving on from the global pandemic and embracing future challenges in sustainability, corporate social responsibility, environmental issues and cyber security,” says Colin, a past President of Ally Law and Chairman of its Expansion Committee.

“As an organisation, we face 2023 and beyond in robust health. At around 80 firms, we have our largest membership to date and referral business between firms is growing. We are confident we have the personnel, skills and global coverage to go from strength to strength.”

In a busy schedule, Colin moderated a panel discussion on how firms can maximise the benefits of their Ally Law membership, with a focus on business development, referrals and marketing. Among the AGM delegates were attendees from new member firms in Ireland, Slovakia, Turkey, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Costa Rica.

As well, members elected Ramesh Vaidyanathan, Managing Partner of Mumbai-based Advaya Legal, to serve as Ally Law’s President for the next two years. He succeeds Paul Franke, a Partner in Denver law firm Moye White. Says Ramesh: “After more than three decades of growth and expansion, our network is continuing to attract top-quality law firms in jurisdictions around the globe while cultivating a new generation of leadership — all of which enables us to deliver more and better service to clients almost anywhere they do business.”

BC&C is Hong Kong’s sole member of Ally Law, a worldwide grouping of independent law firms which acts as a referral network and provides comprehensive legal services to major corporations.







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